Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I abhor what most Members of Congress are doing to “OUR” CONSTITUTION.

My life and career are intricately intertwined, as such that it’s impossible to separate the two. This creates a partial impression of who I am today because of changes over time. I’m not the same person I was ten years ago. Knowing how to change makes it easier for people to understand the context of what positive change can create. After I retired in 2002, I started my own company.

I live in a Constitutional Republic not a democracy. I am in awe of our Founding Fathers and the documents they penned. And, I abhor what most Members of Congress are doing to “OUR” CONSTITUTION.

I am a member of “GOOOH” and members are all over the county. Our goal is to remove all members of the US house. The 912's,Tea bunch, etc are going to this program as the only way we can get real change is to remove all of them in both party's. This is a citizen’s group movement not a party.

If you believe in your freedom and want an opportunity to effect real change with everyday citizens like you, this is the way to do it. Members of this group by candidate vetting events will run on the ballot in all 435-house seats for office in the US Congress. They will sign a legal document to only serve two terms. We will have over 500,000 members nation-wide with over a 90 million dollar war chest. We will retire all existing Career House Member Politicians by the ballot box.
GOOOH solution is to reduce government by electing non-career two-term House Members without funding from special interest groups. Click on the GOOOH web site and learn how it will be done. Come to the next GOOOH meeting in your area. http://www.goooh.com